Wednesday, October 2, 2013

More Customers, More Sponsorships in ONE MONTH

I really hate throwing "hypey" titles like that on things that I write, but the title of this training is true.  There is a building USANA and then there is acting like you are building it.  If you are not getting the checks you want, then it's time to "step things up" and really work your business. I promise you that most of us don't have to alter our life much to build USANA.  We waste more time on TV, commuting, and other wasteful areas of life and many of these create the "nooks and crannies" of the day.  If you fit USANA into that, you can "step things up."

I will discuss some improvements that can be made.


If you are not talking to people every day, then you aren't building the business.  It's easy. Just do our 5 / 2 (put five people in the Integritas Group system a day until everyone you know is in there and call enough people a day until you have two meaningful conversations).  After you have exhausted your list of people, you will always add to it as you meet new people.  The key is to stay in touch with your circle of influence and keep building those relationships.  Develop them as the step in our Communication Process discusses.


There is a certain percentage of people who find themselves "going through the motions" on the 5 / 2.  They are having two meaningful conversations a day, but the opportunities to Introduce USANA are passing them by because either 1) they aren't paying attention to what the person is saying and they miss the opportunity, or 2) they see the opportunity and "pounce" on the person with a poorly executed (or no plan) Introducing USANA.  If you are in our downline or Road To Gold groups, talk to Chris and I first.  If you aren't in our downline, talk to your upline about how best to Introduce USANA to them or alternatively, you can post your scenario to our Integritas Group Facebook page.


Remember, the power of the Integritas Group system, training, and other resources is how it's built for duplication. If your team isn't plugged in, then you are throwing money away.  You might was well talk money every day and flush it down a toilet.  Are your downline members doing the 5 / 2 method and doing the Develop step correctly?  Remember, the power of the Develop step and working your circle of influence is not just your contacts, but your whole organization's contacts even if that means you have two downline.  

You should be calling your downline and getting them plugged in.  If you see a training that you like--call them and say "did you see the training this week?  You gotta watch it."


Are you and your downline registered for convention?  If not, then begin to wonder how serious you really are about USANA.


If you are not in contact with your upline and getting guidance, motivation, and assistance when needed, then what the heck are you doing?  Pick up the phone and call.  If you don't have an upline, then consider our Road To Gold groups.  This isn't a shameless self promotion, this is a just a fact of building USANA. If you don't have someone holding you accountable or your upline has to call you to see what's going on, then your business will definitely grow slower than it should.


If you haven't watch the live event or the recording of our Anti Suit Entrepreneur release party, then get to it by clicking here. Then, pre-order the Anti Suit Entrepreneur book.  Finally, start making a list of everyone that you currently believe would like to be exposed the Anti Suit Entrepreneur concepts. It doesn't have to be the book.  If they don't read, there are other options (as you will learn in the video I just mentioned.)


Stop looking to others for ideas.  Spend 15 minutes every day and think about how you can grow your business.  Bounce those ideas off of your upline, Road To Gold group, or wherever you can find a "sounding board."


You can either increase your income or you can show up to convention this year at the same place.  If you don't know how that feels, then ask someone who has felt that; you don't want to go to convention and think "I wish I had done more this last year."

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