Wednesday, September 4, 2013

USANA Prospecting: 5 / 2 Method: How To Use It, What It Means, Its Long-Term Vision...

For those of you out there that are following the Communication Training in Integritas Group, I want to give you the big picture on how the 5/2 will work for your organization going forward. You need to understand the long-term vision to really put it work for your organization.

Let's say your business is fairly new (whether or not you have been in USANA for a while) in that you don't have any or very few active team members.  This discussion will address why patience and "playing the long-game" with your circle of influence (friends, family, or other people you know or bump into.)

I am not going to re-teach the 5 / 2 method again.  To learn how it integrates into your business, you can read our Bootcamp training (pages 11 to 13) and watch this training tip video we did weeks ago: Generate Leads for Your USANA Business.

So how to use the 5 / 2 in a way that will benefit your business long-term?  It's keeping in mind what we covered in the Bootcamp and the previous training.  If you have 2 meaningful conversations a day x 5 times a week x 4 weeks a month, you will have had 40 meaningful conversations.

This gets powerful is when you consider the long-term vision of the 5 / 2 method.  What if you have ten people in our downline doing the same thing? So you have 10 people x 40 meaningful conversations + your 40 meaningful conversations equals 440 meaningful conversations. How many opportunities via your conversations, their conversations, potential three-way calls do you think you will have to Introduce USANA? The only answer is A LOT.

You don't want to go out there and throw USANA at your circle of influence until you have adequately Developed them to Introduce USANA (Review the Develop Step in our Communication Training).

Pitfall: If I am not Introducing USANA to anyone, then how is anyone going to be interested in it?

Answer: I will answer this question with a question. How many times do people bring up a health concern or financial concern in conversation?  It happens a lot IF you are listening and asking questions and paying attention to what they are saying not what you are going to say next.

If you have had 40 meaningful conversations a month, you will have the opportunity to Introduce USANA to your contact at that time.

Pitfall: What if I want to bring up USANA up earlier to my contact?

Answer: I am not going to sit here and say that it doesn't work, because there are plenty of people in network marketing and USANA who can make a conversation "work" in the direction in USANA. However, for most new associates in USANA, the skill set isn't there.  If you have a contact that you feel you can just approach directly, then by all mean, go for it. Do it smart. Get with your upline (or if you are in one of our Road To Gold Groups or in our downline: get with us) and tell them about the person and come up with a plan on what you are going to say. What is the plan of attack?

Pitfall: I want contacts now! I want to get my business going. I don't want to wait for my contacts to be Developed enough.

Answer: Great. Then you are motivated and have the "get it done" attitude.  It's time to advertise. Setup a Personal Branding Custom Website and/or consider one of our Integritas Group Marketing Cooperatives to generate more contacts. Understand that if I were to open a law firm again today, I couldn't make my friends, family, and people I otherwise know need a lawyer.  They either need one or they don't.  The same applies to USANA. (I know what you are thinking.  Everyone at least needs to be on the product, but they are not in that frame of mind yet. You have to get them there.)  When they say something that makes USANA a fit either financially or health-wise, then it's time to bring it up. In the meantime, a law firm would advertise to find prospective clients.  You should do the same with USANA. Combine advertising with your circle of influence, combined with your downlines' advertising and circle of influence and that all leads to a full-time income in USANA.

This training should help you understand how to build your USANA business with purpose, vision, and direction.  If you have any questions on this training, you can post questions on this article or our Integritas Group Facebook page.

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