Tuesday, May 28, 2013

USANA RESET Follow-up: The Fortune is in the Follow-up! (RESET MM #04)

As with any USANA product or aspect to building the USANA business, the fortune is in the follow-up. You have to follow-up with people of you want people to order USANA products.  Here's a simple RESET follow-up schedule to follow.

USANA RESET Follow-Up: Script

"I’m getting the team finalized for people who want to lose the cravings and shed the pounds.  Did you have a chance to go through the website?"

Yes, they looked at the site:

"What did you like best about the RESET Program? Did anything really stand out to you?"

No, did not #1: 

"Why not? Do you still have the access code? The deadline is on [date] and we’re getting a good size team together.  When will you have a chance to look it over?"

No, did not #2:

“You don’t have to look at the website before ordering the product, just before we actually start.  Do you want to go ahead and just get setup?”

No, did not #3:

“I feel like I’m chasing you down on this...be honest, is this something you’re interested in or not?”

Note: Be nice, but direct

If you're not using a USANA contact manager to stay organized on your leads, than you're shooting yourself in the foot.

USANA RESET and Nutrimeal MM: Navigation and Resources

RESET Training Manual

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