Over the years I've worked with quite a few of USANA Associates, both in and out of my downline. When I ask how is their USANA business doing, many reply along the lines of "Everything is going great! I had this awesome prospect the other day. I'm totally pumped and motivated!" They spend a few minutes giving my "updates" that has more filler words (great, awesome, etc) then actual information.
I love the enthusiasm, but as their mentor, their updates don't give me much to work with so I can help them! I typically spend a few minutes digging deeper and asking more questions to get to specific details about conversations and scenarios so I can help them. I dig deeper, because I've seen way too many Associates over the years spin their tires and not move their business forward because they're drinking the "positivity kook-aid."
As you are probably aware, there's a culture in network marketing where one always has to be "positive and never focus on the negative or bad things." That culture is just plain stupid because people don't grow their businesses that way. You think the executives at USANA corporate, when faced with an unexpected issue (such as, a raw materials supplier starts providing subpar materials) tell each other, "It's all good. Everything is great and awesome! Our product was rated #1 last year." Of course they don't! One of the reasons USANA has such great products and manufacturing standards is because they are realist and deal with issues.
That brings me to my question, "Are you drinking the positivity kool-aid or actually facing the issues that are holding you back from building a successful USANA business?" This is a tough question to answer. I ask it because it frustrates me when I see people spinning their wheels in USANA, but constantly tell me "Everything is great!"
Stay positive. Stay motivated. But don't drink the "positivity kook-aid" and neglect dealing with issues. Don't put on "Everything is great!" face when you're working with your mentor.
I'm a positive person. But, when something I'm doing is not getting the results I want in my business, I'm honest with myself, analyze the situation and deal with it. I still spin my wheels every once now-and-then, but I don't do it for months or years.
If you're working with a mentor or mastermind group, it's okay to be honest when you're having trouble or frustrated at a situation. Tell your mentor or mastermind group so they can help you. Getting feedback and helping you improve is the main reason you work with a mentor or mastermind group. After years of people asking us, that's why we put together The Road To Gold Focus Groups. They allow us to work with people who are tired of spinning their wheels and want to grow their business.
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