Read the ASE book with a Highlighter and Pen
As you read the book, you’ll think of various USANA downline that can relate a topic of chapter. Use the highlighter and highlight the content and write the person’s name and any notes on the page. You’ll also think of potential USANA Associates as well. Write down their names and highlight the section. Now, you want to get in touch with the person and connect the person with the concept from ASE book.
Here’s an example email:
[USANA Associate], I just finished the ASE book written by some fellow USANA Associates. The book’s theme is about entrepreneurship and living life on your terms. The authors share advice on becoming successful entrepreneurs. I picked a few tidbits that I’ll incorporate into my business.
There was chapter on “Diversified Cash flow” and it made me think of you because I know that was a main reason you got into USANA. The book has a unique take on the concept of residual income and “diversified cash flow.” It’s definitely worth the read.
[Note: You can loan them the book if they are local or send them your marketing link to the order page of the book. To get the link, log into your Integritas Group account -> Marketing -> Choose ASE under “Marketing Methods” -> “Order Book” link.]
The authors also created a marketing funnel called “The Three Steps to Success.” The purpose is to share it with potential USANA Associates. You should watch so you know what the book is about. Watch it here:
[Note Marketing -> Choose ASE under “Marketing Methods” -> “Three Steps to Success” link.]
I know you haven’t been real active in USANA lately, which is fine. I did want to reach out to you and let you know that I’m “kicking my business up a notch.” It’s easier to grow (and more fun) when working with others, so I wanted to reach out to you.
Check out the videos, read the book, and let’s talk about building USANA to live life on your terms.
--- End example ---
Variation for an Email Blast
Depending on the size of your team and who is in your USANA downline, you may send out all personalized emails or none. I recommend taking the time to send out a personalized email (and even calling them!) for all of your personally sponsored Associates. You can do an email blast through DLM is you have a big team or don’t have a personal relationship with everyone in your team. If you do, make the appropriate adjustments to the email.
Be Sure to Use Your Marketing Link
Make sure you use your marketing link from Integritas Group. Anyone who visits the ASE website through your link will be tagged to you. Who knows who in your downline will opt-in or plug into the seminar series. If you need help on getting your link, watch the video. If you still need help, leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to help you out.
All Integritas Group accounts (even the free ones) allow you to generate your personal marketing links. Create your account today at
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