Thursday, June 20, 2013

USANA Prospecting & Communication Training Tip: Follow-Up isn't Important...PROPER FOLLOW-UP is! Do it right!

You have heard have probably heard top leaders in USANA say something like "The Fortune is in the Follow-Up." I couldn't agree more.

Before I get into this training, we do a training like this usually twice a week, you can get notified whenever we release them by subscribing to our Podcast or YouTube channel. Whatever you prefer. 

So why is the follow-up such an issue for people building their USANA business?  I think part of it is fear of following up with someone, but most of the time it's a lack of execution on the follow-up procedure laid down in our USANA Communication & Prospecting Course.

Where is the breakdown in the procedure?

Most people have a conversation with a prospect and leave the contact "open-ended" which means that you don't really have a concrete date to follow-up and/or the prospect doesn't have anything to review or "think about" between those dates.

Here is a general rule on follow-up and when to follow-up. A prospect should be in one of these areas:

1) They have said "yes." They are buying your product / service or joining your team.

2) They are a "no." They have considered your information and you are convinced there are no hidden objections or concerns.

3) They need more information to make a decision.  (This is a follow-up situation) You should have two things for valid follow-up: 1) They should be looking at more information or reviewing information they haven't yet reviewed yet and 2) You must have a concrete date you are meeting again to get a decision.

4) They are analytical (see our prospecting and communication training on this personality type) and genuinely just need more time to consider the information. You should have a follow-up date that is concrete, so you can follow-up with them and get a decision.

I think most people just talk to a prospect and expect that the prospect will follow-up with them when the are ready, they will talk again at "some point," or I don't know…maybe they will magically buy from them.  :)  

The Fortune really is in the follow-up and I think the follow-up gets damaged by lack of proper execution, so always have a future engagement set-up.   

If you have any questions, you simply need to Like our Integritas Group Fan Page so you get access to our USANA community and ask us any questions you have.

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