Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Sponsor USANA Associates

We often get asked by current and potential USANA Associates, "How will I sponsor USANA Associates?" The video below is actually a video we recorded to use on one of USANA lead generation websites to answer this question. It also makes a worthwhile training video.

USANA Sponsoring Step #1: Always Clarify

When a person asks you a question, you must always clarify exactly what he or she is meaning first. It's very easy to give a great answer, but not have it answer your prospect's question! As our USANA Communication and Sales Training says, always clarify the question first!

USANA Sponsoring Step #2: KISS Principle

As you answer the question, remember the KISS (Keep it simple, silly) principle. You usually don't need to go into a grand presentation or a long answer. Remember, don't puke USANA information all over them!

In the video above, Jason talks about how we don't do the "cheesy" stuff that so many people in MLM do. Many USANA prospects have a fear that they will have to do the "cheesy" stuff to build their business. Letting people know that we use a "business common sense" approach and actually have training in place usually answers their USANA question.

In the video, I actually log into the Integritas Group USANA system and show the training courses to people. That impresses people to see all the training and how organized it is. It really shows that we have a real business system in place.

USANA Sponsoring Step #3: Speak from Experience

Make sure you go through the USANA training yourself. If you can speak from personal experience and tell people what you learned and how it improved your own skills, it will impress people.

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