Friday, May 3, 2013

USANA Sponsoring Question: When Do I Use Generic Prospecting Tools vs. USANA-Specific Prospecting Tools?

We got a question today from an Integritas Group member that we wanted to discuss. The question was  "When Do I Use Generic Prospecting Tools vs. USANA-Specific Prospecting Tools?"

This is a really great question, because this USANA associate is thinking about her prospects and what works best in different situations.

First, let's look briefly at USANA sponsoring & customer training basics covered in the Integritas Group Communication course.

The Three Steps

1) Connect
2) Develop
3) Introduce

I am not going into detail here on each, because the question asked by this person is in relation to what she knows on the Communication training. To understand that training more, you can take the course.

Generic Tool v. USANA Tool

A generic tool would something like Robert Kiyosaki's, The Perfect Business. A specific tool would be any USANA video that explains USANA as a business.  For product, a generic tool would be leading with a health recommendation from Sanoviv's website for something like Allergies and a USANA tool would be flyer discussing USANA's products.

How The Tools Work with the Communication Process & Steps

You connect with a prospect, you form a relationship, you get their name and contact details.  As you build a relationship with them, they say something business focused like "I am sick of my commute..I wish I could do something else..." or "My allergies are killing me right now..."

Most USANA associates launch right into discussing USANA and provide a USANA tool.  What makes me sense is to "bridge the gap" between what they said and USANA. A generic prospecting tool can do that.

You could give them the Robert Kiyosaki video and let them know that the video could show them some concepts that could get them out of that commute and get them doing something else.

You could give the person with allergies a report from Sanoviv discussing allergies and the affect that good nutrition including supplementation can have on supporting the body's immune system in dealing with the stuff in the air.

Generic Prospecting Tool + Develop Step = Hot Prospect

If you develop the person, they express something that fits USANA, either product or business, you use the right generic tool in connection with the techniques in the Develop step of the Communication training in Integritas Group, you will have a prospect that is HOT and ready to Introduce USANA.

What Next?

It's time to Introduce USANA, so that is where a USANA-specific tool can be very helpful.

Integritas Group Custom Websites

Many Integritas Group members build custom websites, so they have a "generic tool" to bridge the gap between what the prospect says and introducing USANA.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, this article eliminates some of  the confusion on when to use a USANA tool and a generic tool.  I hope this removes one more obstacle towards your Road To Gold.

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