Thursday, May 9, 2013

Enrolling People in USANA: What You Need to Do and How to Do It.

I think one of the areas where people fail to close people and enroll people into USANA is that they complicate the process, don't understand who they are speaking with, don't ask for the sale,  or ask for the sale incorrectly.

1 BC v. 3 BC

The first hiccup in the closing process is the need to explain at length the difference between 1 BC and 3 BC. People end up explaining the compensation plan in detail and you end up losing people.

Watch the video I have here to understand how I explain the packages and the difference between the 1 BC and 3 BC.  This isn't perfect, I am not some master communicator or speaker, but it gets the job done.

Personality Types

Not understanding the different personality types (controller, promoter, analytical, and nurturing types) and how they need to be handled and what their motivators are throughout the USANA sponsoring & communication process can make this process so much harder on you than it needs to be.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this here, but as an Integritas Group member, you will want to review the personality type part of the USANA communication training.

Do You Want To Get Started in USANA?

If you don't ask for the close, you'll never know the prospect's interest level and you will never learn what their objections are and you won't get a "yes" unless you ask the question. You want to hear "yes" a lot when you ask the question "Do you want to get started in USANA?" Don't You? :)

Not Asking For the Close Correctly

I actually give the exact word tracks I use in the Communication training on closing for all of the personality types.  If you don't know this by memory right now, then go to the training and download the resources and memorize it now.

You probably want to go through the Closing section of the training once again to make sure you understand how to use those word tracks and the theory behind it.


I was going to write this big long blog article on the subject of enrolling people in USANA, then I realized the questions we get on this surrounds trouble people have with this process, so I started to think what are the common mistakes and I write about those, then I realized that we have training that covers each area. So why not cover the mistakes and point people to ways to correct it?  Sometimes I can be smart. :)

The pitfalls of enrolling people in USANA comes to down to not knowing the material, explaining the compensation plan when most people don't need to know it or understand it before they join, not asking for the sale, and not knowing how to ask for the sale. That's it.

If you are having trouble closing people in USANA, then go through this blog post several times and find what you are missing.

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