Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Presenting the USANA RESET (RESET MM #03)

Remember the KISS (Keep it Simple, Silly) principle when presenting or introducing the USANA RESET program to someone. Whatever you do, do not "puke information" all over your USANA prospect!

Presenting the USANA RESET: The Script

"I’ve found that people do really well in teams.  So I’m getting a team together and we’re starting on [Date].  

Go to www.TheResetProgram.com and use this access code: [Access code.]  All the details are on there.  Watch the “Before” section.

When will you have a chance to check it out?

Okay.  When can we catch up after you’ve checked it out?"

Note: You don’t have to use the website. If you have the knowledge, you can explain or present the information one-on-one.  Use your judgement.

Presenting the USANA RESET: Details on the Website

The www.TheResetProgram.com is the unbranded version of all the RESET videos for potential customers to see. To use the website, you need to be an Integritas Group member. These same USANA RESET product videos are posted on our YouTube channel. You're welcome to use them, but the link to our USANA shopping cart. So there is a small chance that if you send someone there, they could potentially end up ordering from us.

Presenting the USANA RESET: Study the Videos Yourself!

The website is a great resource and tool for helping you to present the RESET kit. No website will ever perform better if you're good at presenting the information. So study the videos repeatedly and learn the word tracks and improve your own USANA knowledge.

USANA RESET and Nutrimeal MM: Navigation and Resources

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