I, like many USANA Associates, welcomed this news with excitement. Over the years I've spoken with many pregnant ladies in regards to prenatal vitamin nutrition. Most women know and understand the importance of prenatal vitamins. However, very few of them, know what makes up an effective and safe prenatal vitamin. Many have based their decision on whether or not a product has the word "prenatal" on the label.
Here's the catch, there are no set standards as to when a company can use the word "prenatal" on their products. There is no real oversight over what makes a good prenatal vitamin. It's simply left up the company to decide whether or not they should put the word "prenatal" on there or not.
Because USANA's Essentials did not have the word "prenatal" on there, many women instantly disqualified the product... all because it didn't have the word on the label. No matter how much I explained the benefits of USANA, they were not interested. They felt comfortable and safe with a different prenatal vitamin because it had the word "prenatal" on the label.
The USANA products are only good if people actually take them. What's the point of having the best product, if it doesn't get inside the body? There isn't one! Getting people to order the USANA BabyCare Prenatal Vitamins is now much easier since USANA put the word "prenatal" on there.
USANA did more than just put the word "prenatal" on there. They updated the formula to the specific needs of pregnant women.
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