Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Join USANA - What Business Package to Choose?

It's important that you start your USANA business with the USANA start-up option that is best for you. In the video below, USANA leader Jason Wells discusses the different options to start your USANA business with.

USANA Start-up Option #1: 1 Business Center or 3 Business Centers

The first thing you need to determine is do you want 1 Business Center (BC) or 3 BC's. To keep it simple 1 BC will earn you approximately 10% commission and 3 BC's will earn you about 20% commission. Most people opt for the 3BC's because it gives you a much larger earning ability over the lifetime of your USANA business.

If you want to build USANA into a business income, that you should consider getting 3BC's.

USANA Start-up Option #2: Individual Order vs a Business Package

There's two main ways you can join USANA: Order 400 Points worth of products (which is about $450 to $500 in products) or purchasing a startup business package. Both ways will get you a USANA business with 3 BC's.

The advantage to ordering 400 points worth of products is that get to customize your order. The disadvantage is that you don't get some of the great savings that the USANA start-up packages offer.

USANA Start-up Option #3: Choosing a Business Package

There are two USANA business packages to choose from:
  • The Professional Package
  • The Entrepreneur Package
The video will go into all the details for what each package has to offer.

USANA Start-up Option #4: Lead by Example

Keep in mind that many times new Associates joining you in the future will ask, "What did you come in with?" It's very powerful to be able to tell people you came in with one of the business packages because they start you off right and offer an exceptional value.

Ultimately, you'll need to pick what's best for you, your family and your business.

If you have any questions or are looking to join USANA please get in touch with the person who introduced you to USANA.

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