Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Do You Look Like a "Deer In Headlights" When USANA Comes up?

I remember my first few months in USANA... they were painful! People would ask a question and my face would contort into looking like a "deer in headlights." You know the look, that empty stare of "Oh my gosh... what do I say!"

Let's be honest, we've all been there at some point or another in our lives. I'm fine with poking fun at myself because I quickly got past that state, learned what to say and eventually built a successful USANA business.

However, I know many USANA Associates who have not. I know this because I talk with Associates every single month in a mentoring and consulting role. As I talk with them to help them get past their current obstacle, almost every person tells me, "Chris, I know what to say. That's fine. My real problem is that...[fill in the blank: Not enough leads, they don't return phone calls, they don't look at the information, etc.]"

Me: "Okay, what do you say when people ask, 'What do you do?'"

USANA Associate: "Well, I, uhh... like... tell them.... that I do... uh... I work with a premier health... uhhh.. company...."

Me interrupting: "I'm going to interrupt you there. You don't know what to say."

USANA Associate: "But you put me on the spot!"

Me, very sarcastically: "Oh well, that was a curve ball question that people rarely ask. And when they do, they give you time to go pull up a script."

USANA Associate: "Okay...."

I'm not exaggerating, when I say that 9 out of 10 USANA Associates look like a "deer in headlights" and cannot answer basic questions. The problem isn't having enough leads or needing a better tool so people call you back. The problem is that the USANA Associate cannot do the basics when it comes to communication!

It's not that the person just can't just answer the one question. I often follow-up and ask, "What's the RESET program? What makes the USANA vitamins different? Isn't USANA a pyramid?" And I get the same painful response as I described above.

Be honest with yourself, but can you answer those questions in a smooth and informative matter that keeps the person engaged and moving to the next step of the USANA marketing funnel? If I put you on the spot and asked those questions, what would your response be?

Most likely, you need help in knowing what to say. I'm not talking about memorizing some great sounding script. Those days of being able to memorize and repeat a script are over. You need to really learn how to communicate and create personalized scripts around USANA.

Here's what you need to do:

These three courses will create the foundation of the communication skills that you need in order to build a successful USANA business. All of these courses can be accessed in our Phase II training inside of In order to access the Phase II training you will need a paid subscription to Integritas Group. If you don't already have one, that start a 30 day trial for less the $10 at

Here's what one USANA Associate share with us:

"Went through most of the communication module last night, and put it to use today. Had a lunch presentation with someone who was clearly a "blue" - Within 5 minutes, he asked "So what do I need to do to get started?". In the past I would have said something like "I'll get to that in a moment, let me finish going over this". haha. Instead I shut up, close the H&F Newspaper and proceeded with package options. Great training"

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