This blog article will dissect why people leave USANA. It's not directed at any particular person or company. It's based on my observations of being with USANA for over a decade, knowing people who have left USANA, behind the scenes conversations, and having other people trying to recruit me.
The video accompanying this blog post is much more "colorful" on this topic (drank some Rev 3 first!). Watch it below or download it to your computer, phone or tablet from our USANA training podcast channel.
I'll layout the various reasons that I've observed, in no particular order:
"Grass is Greener" Syndrome is when a person takes what they have for granted and starts thinking the grass is greener elsewhere. This isn't unique to USANA or network marketing. It happens in relationships and business all the time. Even thought USANA is outstanding, people start getting tunnel visioned on little inconsequential things that ultimately do not impact their business income or quality of the products. I relate it to a happy couple getting divorced because one always leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
Their USANA Business is a glass house that will collapse or is in the process of collapsing. People building glass houses happen frequently. People have a big title in USANA and made a few growth lists, but their business has almost zero retention... and their commission checks are starting to reflect it. In order to get their income back up they need to chase the next hot opportunity to slam people into.
The new MLM company is paying them or giving an incentive. This happens. A lot. When USANA entered Mexico years ago, I traveled back and forth between Florida quite a few times. One my new Associates had built a fairly big business with another MLM company a decade earlier. I was excited to have her on my team. About two months later she told she was leaving USANA for a new company because they were going to giver her the title of "Diamond" (even though she had zero business built) and the MLM company would order all their merchandise (shirts, hats, etc) through a clothing business she owned. Companies will often pay cash bonuses as well to get leaders to come over.
Jason Wells and I have been offered large sums of money to join other MLM companies and bring over the Integritas Group system.
They get a top position or a "secret" lead source. New MLM companies need a master distributor (the very first distributor in the company) and other early positions filled. Those positions get promised to leaders in USANA to draw them over. If the company goes big, that can be a very enticing offer. That's a big IF the company goes anywhere long term. It's also common for a newer company to target USANA leaders as they attempt to open up new countries. "We're opening in country XYZ, if you come over, we'll give you every lead from that country that contacts us."
There are other reasons, but these are definitely the main ones based on my observations over the years. I want you keep these in mind throughout your USANA career. USANA leaders will continue to leave for other MLM companies over the years. It's just part of network marketing. Hopefully theses points will help you question the surface reasons that are made public. I can promise you that the there is usually a lot more going on behind the scenes!
I love it when people leave USANA and they cite the "science" of this new company's products. My B.S. radar usually starts going off. Let's be real, you're not going to get a more science based company than USANA. At absolute best, they are making a lateral move to a company with similar science focused, but usually it's more like driving off a cliff! Not many companies (MLM or not) have as much focus on science as USANA does.
Do you ever look at the websites and literature of these new "science" based products? I certainly do. It's usually nothing more then a few sentences claiming this great science, while hitting the right "hot buttons", but nothing to back it up! So when leaders say they are leaving for a better product, are they really? While I don't know all the facts, I have a very hard time believing it.
I want you take these points to heart because I see many USANA Associate follow the leaders over. From a financial standpoint, I can understand why some leaders leave. If the glass house business they built with USANA is falling apart and they are being offered a signing bonus with a top position, it's usually the best way for them to keep their income levels up. I don't agree with it, but I can understand why people do it. You have to pay the bills on all the flashy cars and houses! Why do USANA Associates jump ship when they are being offered nothing?
News flash: Joining a new company is not going to magically solve a person's problem when it comes to building the business. One still has to work the business in order to grow it. If you don't work USANA, you don't get results. If you don't work the new MLM, you're not going to get results. I think people get sucked into the hype of what a new company or leader is spouting. That reason is why I wrote this post. Hopefully it injects some "business common sense" into all the hype going on. I want the USANA Associate who is working their business, but haven't achieved success, to get a more complete picture as to what's going on.
If a USANA leader or USANA Associate tries to recruit for another company, report it to USANA's Compliance! I have no problem if people want to pursue something else. Fine. But play the rules that USANA laid out: You can build another MLM business, but not recruit other USANA Associates. If you do recruit, that is grounds for getting your USANA business cancelled.
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