Tuesday, May 6, 2014

USANA Prospecting: "Under-Developing" or "Over-Developing" a Prospect.

In our Communication training in the Integritas Group system, we talk about the steps to the Communication Process (Connect, Develop, Introduce, Follow-Up, Close).

One of the most challenging steps is the Develop step, because that's where you create the possibilities to Introduce the USANA product or business.  People either struggle with this step, because knowing the right time to bring up USANA is an "art" learned with experience.

What I typically see is two types of people:

1) People who skip over the step and have no problem introducing USANA to people, but often Introduce USANA too soon.


2)  People who develop, develop, develop and miss opportunities to Introduce USANA.  Sometimes those people just need to pull the trigger and be a little more aggressive.

The first group of people don't have a lot of things stopping them emotionally (this is a lower percentage of people...probably 20%.)  They just go out and "do it" (by "do it," I mean Introduce USANA.)  This "make-it-happen" attitude often brings in volume and can vault these people into USANA commission checks quickly.

The danger is if they are Introducing USANA to people who aren't ready or don't want to hear about it, they could be damaging long-term USANA business.

The second group of people (about 80% of the people out there) over-develop people to the point where sometimes they are using the training and Develop steps as a shield from going out and Introducing USANA: "I didn't Introduce USANA, because it didn't seem like the right time...I need to Develop them more...." or "I need to do more training and learn more before I start talking to people about USANA..."

The danger of being in this group is that you never or very rarely Introduce USANA, so obviously your commission checks don't improve.  Then people who think (in USANA) that you don't need as much as training as we believe in say to Chris and I: "I told you so..you just need to get people to make a list and go out and do it.."

We don't agree with that, but when people get "stuck" and use a Communication process step as shield from doing something that they are afraid of (knowing or unknowingly), it legitimizes  what these skeptics to our training say.


If you are in the first group, then keep going out and there "doing it," but put a solid focus on  Developing your prospects and insuring they have a reason to hear to about the USANA business or products. Go back and listen to the Communication training and focus on the Develop step.

If you are in the second group, then it's time to start Introducing USANA even if you think it's not time, because whether it's the right time or not, the only way you are going to learn whether or not you are over-developing is to go and "do it."  If you end up Introducing too soon, then you can use that as a guide to find the right place to Introduce.  It's better to do that, because you are moving forward instead of getting stuck in place of endless of endless training or "I am going to talk to this person again..."

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